Centralized Data Request Process

As outlined in the Data Governance GuidelinesPDF File , requests for institutional data not already available through CSUF dashboards and the University portal are made through a centralized data request form. The centralized data request system is built in Service Now.

  • For CSUF internal requestors, please refer to the Data Request Guidelines for CSUF Internal Users (below) for questions on the process for requesting data, particularly for record-level data.
  • When a data request is made, the requestor receives confirmation of the data request and the data request is forwarded to the Office of  Institutional Effectiveness and Planning (OIEP) for review and routing. OIEP may request additional information and/or confer with appropriate Data Trustees and/or request approval to fulfill the data request from the Institutional Data Governance Committee (IDGC) before routing the data request for fulfillment.
  • After reviewing the data request, OIEP will route the data request to the appropriate Data Steward for fulfillment. The requestor will receive notification of the assignment to the Data Steward along with the Data Steward’s email address.
  • The Data Steward is responsible for fulfilling the data request by acting as/assigning to a Data Custodian. Data Custodians being assigned a data request are encouraged to notify the requestor and provide the requestor with their contact information. Once the data request is fulfilled by the Data Steward or Data Custodian, the data request is marked closed by the Data Steward within Service Now.

For questions about this process or support, please contact data@4dian8.com.

CSUF Data Request Guidelines Internal Requestors Accessible version of  Data Request Guidelines for CSUF Internal Users